Friday 30 September 2011

Tips For Orchid Flowering

What makes a flowering orchid so special? A flowering orchid is a spectacle that provides the grower with a sense of fulfillment and helps to make the plant beautiful. This article will provide you some information about the flowering orchid with the Cymbidium as an example.

Is your Cymbidium orchid flowers with yellow spikes that are starting to wither? Are you unsure as to whether you should cut the spike or simply let it wither away? This article will help solve this problem, but first you need to consider some basic facts about this type of flowering orchid.

When it comes to orchids, the Cymbidiums are the most popular of al water and spring blooming orchids that have their own unique flowering features. The Cymbidium has a thick and waxy flower with five pointed petals on each bloom. This specific orchid has a genus of about 44 species that are all native to the Asian continent.

The Cymbidium has three types of bulbs: The Old Back Bulbs with no leaves, which can save their food for emergency times; the Old Bulbs with leaves that can support growth and produce flowers and lastly the New Bulbs or Leads, which have sites where flowers can grow.

The Cymbidium flowering orchid is very beautiful. These orchids come in a wide range of beautiful colors, which make them perfect for decorating any room in your house. While this orchid is flowering, the bud will open and the spikes will bloom for two to three months.

The plant should be taken inside whenever the atmosphere becomes hot and dry because of artificial heating. The warm dry atmosphere causes the plant to drops its leaves. The flower spikes don't have to stay on the plant until the flowers die. This can cause the plant to become non-flowering in the next seasons.

After about four weeks, the flower will become fully open and at this time, you should cut off the spikes so there is no interference with the next growing cycle. If the plant doesn't flower then you need to force the plant to flower by placing it in a sunnier condition.

During the growing season, you should always water the orchid and pour off any water that isn't absorbed. In the summer months, you should feed the orchid with fertilizer at least once a month.

Every two to four years you should repot your orchid and is best done when the plant bulbs fill the pot. A healthy orchid needs to have a minimum of one to two new bulbs each year from the previous year's bulb. Once you repot the orchid make sure you tease the roots apart so you can get rid of the old potting mix and trim dead roots as well.

If it is needed, you make have to divide the orchid into two or more plants. If you have to do this, you should twist and tear the bulbs apart. If you want to have a beautiful flowering orchid then your Cymbidium should be as large as possible. For about two years, you can expect the orchid flowering to be retarded.

Now it is time to consider the answer to the question raised in the first paragraph. You should trip the spike at the point that it emerges from the flower. As explained earlier in the article, the Cymbidium requires light and can grow outside.

You should start by growing the plant in a semi-shade location and then move it into full sunshine. Every other week you can feed the orchid one teaspoon per gallon of plant food.

During the fall, the plant takes up to forty degrees and needs cooler temperature in order to produce new buds for the following flowering season. Often orchid flowering occurs once a year so you don't have to worry.

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