Friday 30 September 2011

Orchid Types Any Plant Enthusiast Should Know About

There are many orchid types, and because of a huge number of species to choose from, you may get confused on what to choose. But among all the different hybrids, there are only two orchid types, the terrestrial orchids and epiphytes."Epiphyte" was derived from Greek word "epi", meaning "upon" and phyton meaning "a plant". They are plants that derive moisture and nutrients from the air and rain. They usually grow on another plant but are not parasitic on it. This refers to any plant system that has a root system above the ground. An example of this type is the Dendrobium.

Dendrobiums can be found in tropical conditions such as South East Asia, Australia and Polynesis. They are the best known ephiphytes, and are available in reddish tones, including pink and orange. They are perfect for indoor gardens and warm houses. They also require much head and light. They are easy to grow, but do not flower on a regular basis.

Next to the Dendrobium is the Phalaenopsis, which is also another widely known epiphyte. This type does not grow well when it is exposed to direct sunlight. They thrive when there is ample heat and when placed in a location with a diffusion of sunlight and shade.

Phalaenopsis orchids also do not like dry periods. Without enough water, these orchids will die. The roots will begin turning white and this is a sign that your plants need more water. The ideal temperature of a Phalaenopsis orchid is between seventy five to eighty five degrees Fahrenheit. They are best kept indoors as well.

Epiphytic orchids are found naturally in the canopy of trees. These are the main group of tropical orchids. They establish themselves by their fleshy roots on branches or bark of trees. Their roots can sustain the plant through wet and dry periods. The core of the root is surrounded by a spongy covering that can absorb water easily. When it rains, the cover soaks up water, and turns green when saturated.

The Terrestrial orchid is the second orchid type. Terrestrial Orchids as their name would suggest grow and flower on the ground. Although terrestrial orchids have roots that grow beneath the surface of the soil just like most other kinds of plants, some terrestrial orchids are semi-terrestrial. This means that they have both underground and aerial roots.

Among the terrestrial orchids are Spathoglottis, Cymbidiums, the slipper orchids and the Chinese ground orchids. Cymbidium orchids can be found in their natural habitat with extends from Southeast Asia to Japan and they can also be found in Australia.

Cymbidiums bloom and grow well in cool regions, like those in the pacific coast. They are found in brown, pink and yellow colors. There are also green and white hybrids. This type of orchid should be watered more during summer or hotter months, and watering should be reduced once it becomes fall or even winter.

Taking care of orchids is not as complicated as you think, and there is so much to learn aside from finding out different orchid types. Orchids are such fascinating plants to care for and grow, you just need to be knowledgeable and take the right steps to make them thrive and bloom.

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