Friday 30 September 2011

The Four Major Groups Of The Plant Kingdom!

Discover the elegant scented flowers and plants that transform your garden into a sea of beautiful vividness. Harmonise with velvety reds to crimson, whites, yellows or lilac, you'll be amazed what a small flowering plant can achieve! A sunny garden always looks radiant with a blaze of colour. A riot - an explosion of exquisite colour!

Varieties such as Bedding Plants or Plug Plants have a very lovely shade of vibrant blooms in shades of coral pink blossoms, golden yellow and white have a tremendous impact on the overall display because they draw the eye like a magnet, or the red Etoile de Hollandie that are hard to resist once you see them. And if that doesn't knock your socks off, the beautiful fragrance will!

Whether it's Bedding Plants or Plug Plants for a classical looking garden, a beautiful cottage garden, or for the patio, as specialist online gardening centre for bedding, plug, garden plants and flowers we can supply the perfect selection of hue for a glorious display for anyone to admire as many gardeners feel they can't live without.

Take the Scented Hybrid Tea Rose or the Scented Climbing Rose for example, they are delightful as their blossoms opens, it' a perfection of form, colour and smell.

There is an abundance of new and exciting varieties that suits any garden. Hot colours containing deep reds and bright yellow flowers dotting the landscape, will attract attention and add sensuality to a secluded corner, whereas lots of cool colours such as blues and greens are always good too and will most certainly brighten up your landscape.

Spring and summer flower gardening. Be creative, now is a good time to display an arch, arbour or pergola for excellent results for climbers. The result will be spectacular colours and perfume in the months ahead.

The beauty of flowers arises from their pure vitality, they are subtle, pretty and colourful and prized for their serene beauty with their own unique fragrant language that brings any garden alive. You can give these as gifts if you don't want to plant them out for yourself.

Mix your colours randomly, or if you prefer planting with two colours only, you could choose to use the darker colours for the centre surrounded by lighter colours. It will look fabulous whichever way you choose - think about it for a moment. Have fun with it and enjoy the pleasures, rewards and contrast! Experiment by grouping annuals and perennials of different colours. Turn your prized garden into a fantastic show place for you, your family and friends.

It's the first sign of summer! Flowers and bouquets, cut flowers for Weddings or birthdays are all so pretty and come in an enormous range of spectacular colours and valued by all who receive them!

Have you thought of a butterfly garden? It's an easy way to see more butterflies and to contribute towards

their conservation. Select the right plants and the pleasures and rewards of inviting these lovely critters to your gardens is amazing, imagine the beauty and comfort of not only watching things grow in the garden, but visited by many attractive species of butterflies who are active from early spring through frost. If you can provide some little rocks, or a stone wall where they can sit and warm their delicate wings in the morning, that helps too. Butterflies love annuals such as Impatiens, Marigolds and Perennials, however the list of butterfly attracting plants is endless.

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