Friday 30 September 2011

Rose Planting Tips For Beautiful Roses

Here's some rose planting tips for growing beautiful roses. First off an ideal time to plant a new rose bush is in the early spring after the winter frost. If you have particularly hot summers then you might want to wait until after July however there are many varieties of roses and some of them can handle hot weather. You can check with your local garden center for suggestions.

Make sure you plant your rose bush in a sunny place as roses love lots of direct sunlight and usually need at least 6 hours of sun per day. Even roses varieties that do well in the shade need a few hours of direct sun each day.

Don't do rose planting near other plants especially ones with big root systems. Roses like hanging out with other roses and don't mix well with other plants. Being a rose enthusiast like yourself I'm sure you understand. Roses are like royalty, the kings and queens of the plant kingdom, and like keeping to themselves. In the animal kingdom birds of a feather flock together, schools of the exact same kind of fish swim together, well it's the same thing in the plant kingdom or at least with roses.

The problem with rose planting to close to a big plant like a tree with a big root system is their roots can invade the root space of your rose plant extracting its water and nutrients from the soil. So if you are digging a hole for your rose plant and run into roots consider another location.

Roses are thirsty and like lots of water so water it well and they are hungry eaters and require nutritious soil. But that one is easy for you to handle if your soil is not so good or even if is good you can make it even better.

When you dig a hole for you new rose plant take the soil you dug out and mix in some organic fertilizer with it along with some nutritious compost. Also add some bone meal as it supplies phosphorus which is good for the roots.

Place your rose plant into the hole so that the crown of the plant (the place where the canes (stems) end and the roots begins) rests on the top of the soil. Place your nutritious soil in the hole making sure it reaches the bottom of the hole and surrounds all the roots. Don't pack it down yet and don't fill it to the top. Now water it so all the newly planted roots will get a blast of water and nutrition. After the water has had a chance to soak into the loose soil then fill the soil to the top and now you can pack it down.

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