Thursday 6 October 2011

The Types Of Plants That Grow Well In An Aquaponics System

People have been farming in the soil in basically the same way for thousands of years. Equipment and technology may change but the basic concept has stayed the same. There is a growing trend of farmers who have decided to leave behind this outdated method of growing food.

Many have moved on to hydroponics, which has great potential. And now aquaponics has become the new frontier in farming that appears to be showing the greatest potential. Aquaponics is a way to get all the benefits of hydroponics and grow plants in a 100% organic way. It eliminates the chemical and sterile growing techniques that are so common with hydroponics.

Aquaponics is not only a revolutionary way to grow plants, it may be the future of fish farming too, which is a key component to this system. It allows fish farming and the growing of plants to take place within the same system and provides both of them with the ability to get the most out of the same resources. It is a system where the positives of both systems are multiplied and negatives of each are cancelled out by each other.

Many plants do well with this type of system, including ornamental plants, aquatic plants, vegetables and I have even seen work being done with growing fruit trees in an aquaponic system. Most of the common garden vegetables do well with aquaponics, except for a lot of the root vegetables like potatoes, onions, garlic, etc, At least not in floating raft systems. In order to grow these you may need a medium like sand. Growing root crops with aquaponics is possible but they can be tricky in this kind of system.

Common fruit bearing vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, squash, peppers, melons, strawberries and even corn if supported will grow beautifully. Leafy greens like lettuce, cabbage and herbs like basil grow amazingly well. Common legumes like beans and peas also do quite well. Viney plants like pole beans and cucumbers are great because they can be rooted in the grow bed, and the rest of the plant can grow off in some direction and take advantage of space and light away from the grow bed.

If there is a type of plant that you question whether it will grow well in an aquaponics system, sometimes the best way to know, and also the most fun, is to plant some and give it a try. Seeds are usually relatively cheap to buy and easy to germinate, so give it a try.

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