Thursday 6 October 2011

Four Types of Tea

How many times you go to order a cup of tea then you are asked which one you would like? Then to find out there are hundred of different types available from black, green, herbal and fruit. I will try explaining to you about these different ones available today.Basically you can find four types of tea in the market, which is Black, Green, White and Oolong tea. All theses four tea groups are made from the leaves of tea plant also known as the Camellia Sinensis. Other herbal teas such as ginger tea, chamomile or even red teas are made form the rooibos leaves. Therefore are not made from the tea plant so they do not count.The difference between the four different types of teas is the way they are made or the process. Also the different teas have unique flavour and aroma and come with different health benefits too.

This tea has become a very popular in China, Korea and Japan for many years. With the recent revelations of the health benefits in lowering cholesterol, increasing metabolic rate and preventing cancer it has started to become popular in the western world too. The tea is prepared by fermenting the leaves after oxidant and drying the leaves. Green tea is served simple and plain with no added milk or sugar. The water added to the green tea leaves should not be boiled.


This is the tea of the west and is a strong flavoured tea. The tea can be served with a lemon or sugar with milk. Black tea is made from oxidized Camellia leaves and when you serve it plain it has no fats, carbohydrates or calories what is great for the healthy people. The caffeine content is lower than coffee but black tea is the highest among types.


This is the traditional Chinese tea which you find though out the world served with most Chinese food. The word Oolong tea means black dragon and got its name from the long leaves that when brewed looks like dragons. The unique taste and aroma comes from the process of the tea plant which will include sun drying, oxidization, cooling and finally the drying process. This will finally make for a light strength when compared to a black variety.


White is a rarer and much more expensive tea than the others above. This tea came from Fujian in China and is made of the young leaves of the tea plant. The leaves are frying or streaming before fermenting and then drying. The name comes from the fact that the leaves are harvested from the leaves when the buds have white hair, hence white tea. This type has the smallest amount of caffeine and the largest amounts of antioxidants.

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